Saturday, March 24, 2007



val said...

Is that really the right date, Don? It would certainly be better for London if they had over a hundred years to prepare, 'cos I can't see them being ready any other way!

DonW said...

Hi Val. The clock was just put up this month with demonstrations by the homeless and some defacing. It now has around the clock security. The Games (winter) has really been under construction for about the last five years so everything is going according to plan. All we need is some good snow up at Whislter.I made a mistake on the date it will be 20l0 not 2ll0.

JoJo said...

I heard about this clock a few weeks ago. I have not been up to Whistler, but I hear the road is a bit narrow and treacherous. Any plans to widen before the Olympics? Also, I hope the dome on BC Place doesn't deflate during the opening ceremonies!

DonW said...

All looked after for your arrival JoJo. The road is being worked on and the B.C. Place is fixed and safe. Cheers Don